Contributed lectures at conferences and lectures at institutes
Working Group Status Updates SESANS
XIX International Small Angle Scattering Conference, 3-8 November 2024, Taipei, Taiwan.
Nanostructural evolution of soy proteins and polysaccharides during high moisture extrusion
Neutrons & Food, 7, 10-14 June 2024.
Diversification in Physics Teaching by Transforming Pandemic-Era Learning through Open Interactive Textbooks
Physics Teaching in Engineering Education Conference PTEE 2024, Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, Germany 15-17 May 2024.
Open Interactive Textbook: inleading Electriciteit en Magnetisme
Open Education Stimulation Fund Symposium, Delft University of Technology, 5 March 2024.
Students choosing their learning experience with open education materials
Education: open & interactive!, Delft University of Technology, 4 March 2024.
Introductie Elektriciteit en Magnetisme
Lunch gathering Interactive Textbooks, Delft University of Technology, 19 June 2023.
What neutrons tell us about food
Seminar in the series “Neutron science and industry” Jülich Centre for Neutron Science in Garching, Germany, 23 January 2023.
Strengthen the connection with your students: Student-question driven teaching
TU Delft Education Day, Delft University of Technology, 10 November 2022.
Radial spin echo small-angle neutron scattering method: concept and performance
E. Kadletz, W.G. Bouwman, C. Pappas
International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22 August 2022.
What neutrons tell us about meat analogues
Edible Soft Matter, Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands, 11-13 July 2022.
What neutrons tell us about meat analogues
Neutrons and Food 6, online at IMSS, KEK, Japan, 16-18 May 2022.
What neutrons tell us about meat analogues
Workshop - Northern Lights on Food II, Lund University Sweden, 9-11 June 2021.
Neutron scattering research and instruments at the Reactor Institute Delft
Colloquium at Chemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 13 January 2020.
Seeing the unimaginable
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Lyngby, Denmark, 11 December 2019.
Seeing the unimaginable
European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, 12 December 2019.
Extended Q-range
Lecture and discussion animation at the canSAS XI workshop, Friessing, Germany, 8-10 July 2019.
Rational design of food processing methods with aid of neutron scattering
Lecture at European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 30 June - 5 July 2019.
Food structure from the inside with neutron scattering
31th EFFoST International Conference, Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century – Research to Progress Society, Sitges, Spain, 13-16 November 2017.
Food structure from the inside with neutron scattering
Lecture at the faculty of Physics, University of Amsterdam, 19 September 2017.
Food structure from the inside with neutron scattering
Lecture for the Vereniging voor Technische Fysica at the Delft University of Technology, 5 December 2016.
From nanopores to macropores: Fractal morphology of (nuclear) graphite
Lecture at the University of Science & Technology, Beijing, China, 29 September 2016.
Protein gels from the inside with neutron scattering
Keynote lecture at Neutrons and Food, Lund, Sweden, 31 May – 2 June 2016.
Direct measurement of mesoscopic bulk structure of food materials by spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Zaragoza, Spain, 30 August – 5 September 2015.
Direct measurement of mesoscopic bulk structure of organic materials with spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, 25 April 2014.
Direct measurement of mesoscopic bulk structure of food materials with spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Food Structure and Functionality Forum Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 March – 2 April 2014.
Possibilities of combined SANS-SESANS: From 1 nm to 100 micrometre in one instrument
International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Edinburgh, UK, 8-12 July 2013.
Colloids, granular matter and food materials studies with spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Physics and Material Sciences Research Unit, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 13 november 2012.
Spin-echo small angle neutron scattering
Thematic Afternoon on Solution Scattering, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 15 juni 2012.
Small angle neutron scattering to study the structure of powders
Workshop on fluidization and coating of nanopowders, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, 4 April 2012.
Combined SANS-SESANS, from 1 nm to 0.1 nm in one instrument
ESS Science Symposia, ESS Symposium, The Future of Soft Matter SANS, Lund, 22-24 February 2012.
SESANS for food
ESS Science Symposia, Neutrons and Food, Delft, the Netherlands, 29 January – 1 February 2012.
Combined SANS-SESANS: From 1 nm to 100 micrometre in one instrument
5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-22 July 2011.
Neutrons for food
FOM Physics, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 18 January 2011.
The effect of water on structuring of organic phases by mixtures of β–sitosterol and γ–oryzanol
Neutrons and Food, 31 October- 3 November, Sydney, Australia.
Combined SANS-SESANS:From 1 nm to 100 micrometre in one instrument
ILL2020 Vision, Grenoble, France, 16 September 2010.
From 1 nm to 0.1 millimetre in one (SE)SANS-instrument
8th international workshop on Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, Delft, the Netherlands, 7 July 2010.
Combined SANS-SESANS:From 1 nm to 100 micrometre in one instrument
Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France, 9 December 2009.
Spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering on food products
Chemistry department, University Lund, Sweden, 4 November 2009.
Simultaneous SANS and SESANS measurements
XIV International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering, 13-18 September 2009.
Real-space scattering methods
Niels Bohr Institute in Kopenhagen, 5 may 2008.
Real-space scattering methods
European Workshop on Neutron Optics, Villigen, Swiss, 5 march 2007.
Real-space scattering methods
Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) in Munich, 6 oktober 2006.
Macromolecular systems studied with spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, afdeling polymeerchemie, 7 june 2004.
Colloidal systems studied with spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering: a real-space scattering technique
Annual meeting of the Chemical Science group of Crystal and Structure, Lunteren, 29 march 2004
Structure factor of colloidal systems studied with SESANS
Autumn meeting on macroscopic physical chemistry 10 november 2003, Schiermonnikoog, the Netherlands
Characterisation of structure in real space using spin-echo small-angle scattering
Materials Research 2003, 22-23 mei 2003, Veldhoven, the Netherlands
Spin-echo small-angle scattering
Symposium of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor NeutronenVerstrooiing (Dutch association for neutron scattering), 9 mei 2003, Delft, the Netherlands
Construction of spin-echo small-angle scattering
XII international conference on small-angle scattering, 25-29 August 2002, Venice, Italy
Conformation determination of dendrimers, defolding lactoglobuline and organogels with small-angle neutron scattering
Wageningen University, 18 May 2001.
A novel high-resolution neutron diffraction technique aplied to recrystallisation phenomena in aluminium
Materials research 2001, 8-9 May, Veldhoven, 2001.
Development of Spin Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering
XIth International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York, 17-20 May 1999.
Development of Spin Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Symposium of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor NeutronenVerstrooiing (Dutch association for neutron scattering), Utrecht, 29 May 1998.
Structuurbepaling met kleine hoek neutronenverstrooiing
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Materials Science, Delft University of Technology, 27 November 1997.
Pitfalls in low resolution reflectometry
Workshop X-ray and neutron reflectivity on thin films and interfaces, Paris, France, 11 March 1994.
The liquid surface neutron reflectometer at Risø
Harvard university, Cambridge, USA, 15 December 1993.
Critical behaviour of the Nematic to Smectic Phase Transition, A High Resolution X-Ray Study
Centre de Recherches Paul Pascal (CNRS), Bordeaux, France, 27 January 1993.
Critical behaviour of the Nematic to Smectic Phase Transition, A High Resolution X-Ray Study
Risø National Laboratory, Departement of solid state physics, Denmark, 20 January 1993.
3D-XY behaviour for a nematic-smectic A phase transition: confirmation of the de Gennes model
14th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Pisa, Italy, 21 June 1992.
High resolution X-ray study of the nematic to smectic-A phase transition in 8OPCBOB
International school of quantum electronics 16th course: Phase transitions in liquid crystals. Erice, Sicily, 9 May 1991.
Phase transitions and structure changes in liquid crystalline polymers
Synthesis workshop, IOP polymer composites and special polymers. Eindhoven, 18 March 1991.
A simple phase transition
FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, 30 September 1991.
The nematic to smectic-A phase transition and free standing smectic films
University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 18 July 1990.
Energy conversion in isolated van der Waals molecules of tetrazine and argon
Davy Faraday Research Laboratories, London 1987.