Publications of Dr. W.G. Bouwman

Other publications

  1. Improving the Mouthfeel of Plant-Based Meat
    E.D. Garina, W.G. Bouwman, G.N. Smith
    Technology Networks (2024)
  2. Open interactief leerboek elektriciteit en magnetisme
    W.G. Bouwman, J.P. Hoogenboom
    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 90 18-20(2024)
  3. Introductie Elektriciteit en Magnetisme
    W.G. Bouwman, J.P. Hoogenboom, R.P.H. Haaksman
    TU Delft OPEN Textbooks (2023)
  4. Betere textuur vleesvervangers met neutronenverstrooiing
    B. Tian, A.J. van der Goot, W.G. Bouwman
    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 86 8-11 (2020)
  5. Concept for a Time-of-Flight Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at the European Spallation Source
    S. Jaksch, D. Martin-Rodriguez, A. Ostermann, J. Jestin, S. Duarte Pinto, W.G. Bouwman, J. Uher, R. Engels, G. Kemmerling, R. Hanslik, H. Frielinghaus (2014)
  6. ESS Science Symposium: Neutrons and Food 2012
    W.G. Bouwman and E. van der Linden
    Neutron News 23 9 (2012)
  7. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Polarised Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigation, Delft, the Netherlands, 04-08 July 2010
    Edited by
    W.G. Bouwman, N.H. van Dijk, J. Plomp, A.A. van Well
    Physica B 406, 2323-2482 (2011)
  8. The 8th International Workshop on Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations
    W.G. Bouwman
    Neutron News 21 4 (2010)
  9. The Ninth International Conference on Neutron Scattering, 3-7 May, 2009, Instrument Concepts and Techniques
    W.G. Bouwman
    Neutron News 20 10 (2009)
  10. Zweden gaat neutronenbron bouwen
    W.G. Bouwman
    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 75 341 (2009)
  11. Neutrons for Science, Neutrons for Society, Why Eurpope needs the European Spallation Source
    L. Arleth, D. Argyriou, W.G. Bouwman, S. Egelhaaf, R. McGreevy, A. Matic, J. Mesot, T. Nylander, J. Oberdisse, H. Schober, A. Steuwer, C. Vettier
    Edited by N. Hall and C. Vettier, ESS Scandinavia Secretariat (2009)
  12. Real-space neutron scattering without collimation: SESANS at the Delft University of Technology
    W.G. Bouwman, J. Plomp, C.P. Duif, W.H. Kraan, M.T. Rekveldt
    Neutron News 19 19-21 (2008)
  13. The Orange Book: Dutch neutron and muon science 2000-2003
    G.J. Kearley, W.G. Bouwman, A.A. van Well, D. Visser and A. Ramzi (Editors)
    Den Haag: NWO (2003)
  14. Development of a novel high resolution scattering technique: spin-echo small angle neutron scattering
    W.G. Bouwman, T.Krouglov, J. Plomp, Serguie V. Grigoriev, W.H. Kraan and M.Th. Rekveldt
    In G.J. Kearley, W.G. Bouwman, A.A. van Well, D. Visser and A. Ramzi (Editors), The Orange book: Dutch neutron and muon science 2000-2003. (pp. 16-17), Den Haag: NWO (2003).
  15. High temperature SANS experiments on Nb(C,N) and MnS precipitates in HSLA steel
    N.H. van Dijk, S.E. Offerman, W.G. Bouwman, M.Th. Rekveldt, J. Sietsma, S. van der Zwaag, A. Bodin, R.K. Heenan
    In G.J. Kearley, W.G. Bouwman, A.A. van Well, D. Visser and A. Ramzi (Editors), The Orange book: Dutch neutron and muon science 2000-2003. (pp. 58-59), Den Haag: NWO (2003).
  16. Hard-sphere colloids studied by Spin-Echo Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
    T.Krouglov, W.G. Bouwman, J. Plomp, M.Th. Rekveldt, G.J. Vroege, A.V. Petukhov and D.M.E. Thies-Weesie
    In G.J. Kearley, W.G. Bouwman, A.A. van Well, D. Visser and A. Ramzi (Editors), The Orange book: Dutch neutron and muon science 2000-2003. (pp. 48-49), Den Haag: NWO (2003).
  17. High resolution diffraction using Larmor precession of polarised neutrons
    M.Th. Rekveldt, T. Keller, and W.G. Bouwman
    In G.J. Kearley, W.G. Bouwman, A.A. van Well, D. Visser and A. Ramzi (Editors), The Orange book: Dutch neutron and muon science 2000-2003. (pp. 20-21), Den Haag: NWO (2003).
  18. Scherpe messen voor magere boter
    W.G. Bouwman, W.H. Kraan, M.Th. Rekveldt
    De ingenieur, 112 , nummer 18, blz. 24-25 (2000).
  19. PIRAMHYD retrieval study: OH profiling by Far-Infrared Limb Sounding
    A. Goede, W.G. Bouwman, F. Helmich, M. Birk, D. Hausamann, F. Schreier, B. Schimpf, B. Carli, P. Ciarpallini, M. Carlotti, E. Venuti, B. Dinelli, B. Kerridge, J. Reburn, R. Siddans, K. Muirhead, D. Lamarre, J. Langen, J. Noll.
    This was a serie of ESA reports. The final report (1998) is available as report: ESA CR(P)-4195 // 243 pages.
  20. Critical Behaviour of the Nematic to Smectic A Phase Transition
    W.G. Bouwman and W.H. de Jeu.
    Modern Topics in Liquid Crystals, edited by A. Buka, (World Scientific, London, 1993), 136-161.